“Civilization was a thin, dangerously fragile veneer, and when that veneer cracked, man became one with the beasts again, falling back into the slime of the primeval abyss he prided himself on having climbed up from.” ― Sidney Sheldon, The Naked Face
Books about mystery and suspense are popular with readers of all ages, from Sherlock Holmes to The Da Vinci Code. Discovering the truth, catching the bad guy, and seeing justice done is an exhilarating experience unmatched by any other. If you've always wanted to write your mystery novel, now's the time to do it. From cozy thrillers to true crime to whodunits, we can help you get your tale out there with high-quality printing in-house and the world's most extensive online retail distribution network.
Our team of literary professionals are open to suggestions and criticism, and they provide exactly what you want. We will work with you to ensure that you are satisfied.
At Author Inn, we have qualified experts with all genres to make your book an engaging masterpiece for a wide range of readers.
As an indie author, you hold 100% rights to your book. Working with Author Inn, you are the legal owner of the book and keep all the rights of selling and publishing your book.
Understanding the financial circumstances of new authors, we provide affordable book writing, editing, cover art, formatting, publishing, and marketing.
Begin by collecting your project information; our success strategists convert your idea into a compelling story.
After the approval of the initial draft, we start working on your manuscript to make it unique, error-free, and engaging.
We ensure to work according to the client's needs by following the project brief and preparing the initial draft for approval.
Not only do we publish your book, but we also provide a detailed book marketing plan to make your book reachable to a wide range of readers.
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Dial +1 307 939 7112
37 Cornwallis Court Lansdowne Green LONDON SW8 2NU.
Dial +44 777 722 0487
Acico Business Park, Port Saeed Deira Dubai, DUBAI.
Dial +971 54 7581567
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